

The rural  farmer community suffer of a different preventable diseases. Common diseases in this part of the region are  Malaria, Glaucoma and other common tropical diseases, most of these diseases could be preventable. 

Assess the importance of environmental goods and services to human health and well-being through clean water from well maintained, catchments.

Develop capacity at all levels so that the heath sector acknowledges, understands and uses the importance of the environmental goods and services as key asset in health service delivery.

Medical Support

Committed to saving the lives of the disadvantaged and ill in the region and laying foundation for good Health

50 individuals provided medical assistance in 2021.

Glaucoma Surgery

Women after having Glaucoma surgery

Water Well

Water touches every aspect of life, and in Somalia uncertainty over access to and the availability of this basic resource may be reaching crisis levels. The World Health Organization estimates that millions of Somalis are lack access to safe water today.

About 21% of communicable diseases in Somalia are related to unsafe water. The government is working on the issue but it cannot resolve this problem alone.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) too need to pitch in if we want to protect their life and also the economy and growth of the country.

That’s exactly why the Green Hope started to implement to dig 6 bore holes that provide a drinking water in some areas.

This gives people living in these rural areas more time, freedom and incentive to help their families grow to be healthy and productive members of the community.

Green Hope Sponsored water well project

Improved access to clean and sustainable water and resilience of water resources in order to contribute to reduce poverty, and enhanced productivity.

Access to clean water can prevent common avoidable illnesses such as cholera and similar water-born  disease that may cause deaths in some parts of  regions. Access to a clean water is a  serious public health issue in Central Somalia. The rural  community  need clean water  just not  water.

This year   2021 Green Hope implemented 6 new shallow borehole wells  by excavating the ground and installing  manual-pumps in different districts in Baydaba in Bay region.


Six different communities in Baydaba district


According to the World Health Organization (WHO) on May 2011: people with disabilities make up at least 10% of the population.

   There is no or little data on persons with disabilities in Somalia, but we see every day different categories of disabilities, Women with disabilities, children with disabilities, and elderly people with disabilities.

 Green Hope and many other organizations do not have data or information available on persons with disabilities in Somalia.

Volunteer fixing Green Green Donated Wheelchair


   Focuses on addressing the needs of persons with disabilities by providing access to quality rehabilitation services, training sessions and lobbying for disability mainstreaming, and improving the capacity of staff supporting persons with disabilities

Women with disabilities: to protect against all forms of abuse, discrimination and violence. To focus their needs and raising awareness and organize activities programmes on women.

Children with disabilities: right to have care protection and security. To ensure access to education, health and vocational training.

Elderly people with disabilities: to ensure the protection and safety of persons with disabilities in all situations especially in situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies.